Dr. B. Marietta Brown has served under the leadership of two pastors. She faithfully served in all capacities of ministry for 25 years before being released to Pastorship in 1999. Dr. Brown has been under the same spiritual covering since the starting of the Churches that she now pastors.
Dr. Brown understands the importance of covering, mentoring, and Godly connections training associations. She is an accountant who holds a Doctorate of Divinity Degree and a blessed entrepreneur since 1989. She has pastored several churches since 1998.
Restoration Ministerial Leaders Alliance / Mentoring is an association designed for learning, receiving Mentorship, Fellowship, and to bestow knowledge spiritually and naturally as well as businesswise. It’s not for control.
If you are interested in becoming a member of this alliance, please fill out the information below.
Dr. Brown’s Administrator will e-mail you shortly.
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